This zero-waste cocktail was created by Kim Stodel of Providence, LA.
Pea shell shrub*, 25ml
Fresh lime, 15ml
Dry white wine like Chablis, 30ml
Black Cow vodka, 30ml
*Pea shell shrub
Pea shells, 350g
Honey syrup (3:1 ratio), 350g
Rice vinegar, 70g
Step by step
Shake the pea shell shrub, lime, white wine and Black Cow Vodka.
Pour over crushed ice.
Garnish with pea tendril or snap pea shell.
For the pea shrub
Blend all the pea shell shrub ingredients together on high until well mixed and strain mixture through a chinois or fine mesh strainer. This can be stored in an airtight container, just label and refrigerate. It will keep for at least a week.
Shake the pea shell shrub, lime, white wine and Black Cow Vodka.
Pour over crushed ice.
Garnish with pea tendril or snap pea shell.