Black Cow vodka, 50ml
Carrot juice, 50ml
Pickled crab apple juice, 30ml
Plum + cinnamon syrup, 5ml
Apple juice, 50ml
1 Egg white
Step by step
Combine all ingredients plus ice in a shaker and shake hard.
Serve in a copa glass with cubed ice.
Garnish with crab apples and dried blood orange slices.
For the pickled crab apple juice
cider vinegar, 200ml
golden caster sugar, 175g golden caster sugar
cloves, 1/2 tsp
cardamon, 1/2 tsp
water, 175ml
crab apples, 500g
Bring all ingredients except the crab apples to the boil.
Simmer for 10 minutes and then add in washed apples.
Turn off heat. Leave for 3 minutes and pour into sterilised jars.