Black Cow has starred in an episode of BBC's Saturday Kitchen, which was recorded at our distillery earlier in the month.
The programme saw drinks expert Susy Atkins pay a visit to the Black Cow distillery and chat to our founders, Jason Barber and Paul 'Archie' Archard. Susy, said: "There's a lovely rich, rounded texture. It's quite delicious."
After the piece, presenter Matt Tebbutt and special guests Sara Cox, Asimakis Chianiotis, Jason Atherton and drinks expert Olly Smith all enjoyed a taste of Black Cow and an Espresso Martini cocktail. Olly Smith, "It's got a sweet flavour as well as that rich, creamy texture. It's perfect for Espresso Martinis, so
With just three ingredients, our Espresso Martini cocktail is easy to make at home.